Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone ~ A Central China Solution

Hong Kong West Kowloon also known as West Kowloon, is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL). As the only Hong Kong rail section that connects to the mainland China section through a dedicated tunnel, it creates much optimism in the business community for logistical enhancement for the country. Service commenced this fall October 2018 for This High-speed rail that connects from Hong Kong to mainland China.

High-speed rail (HSR) in China is the country’s network of passenger-dedicated railways designed for speeds of 250–350 km/h (155–217 mph). It is the world’s longest high speed railway network and is also the most extensively used.

By the end of 2018, HSR extended to 30 of the country’s 33 provincial-level administrative divisions and reached 29,000 km (18,000 mi) in total length, accounting for about two-thirds of the worlds high-speed rail tracks in commercial service. The HSR building boom continues with the HSR network set to reach 38,000 km (24,000 mi) in 2025.

With reserved seating and a relaxed atmosphere to rest or prep for an upcoming meeting the HSR is an ideal option for connecting to another key business hub in Changsha.

The Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone is situated in the heart of Changsha’s Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, a major national open area in Hunan Province. Since the Bonded Zone’s official opening in June 25 2017, more than 60 companies have initiated operations in this zone, with a 6 month import and export value of US$769 Million by year end 2017.

Changsha International Trading Strategy fulfils a vital role in Changsha’s International trading strategy. Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone is the only Bonded Zone in Hunan Province positioned adjacent to an International airport. The ability to reach a market of 90 million people within 1 hour on the high speed rail train, and reach 200 million people within a one hour flight, makes this Bonded Zone uniquely established in two key consumer markets. Adding to its logistical advantages, it neighbours a strong industry cluster that includes Shanghai Volkswagen, Bosch, Jingdong and Sany Heavy Industry.

Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone is the ideal solution for foreign enterprises targeting the Central China market. A great option for International and southeast coastal companies planning to implement industrial transfer and also for domestic companies within the International business sphere.